What is F.A.S.T?
F.A.S.T stands for Functional Active Strength Training. A type of training that is a combined approach to whole body health. It is not just exercise, it is guided exercise encouraging proper movement patterns. A Holistic approach to exercise, bringing in proper movement patterns into exercise to aid in injury prevention and recovery. These small group sessions encourage individual improvements and growth in a non-intimidating setting.
It’s not just exercise, it’s the way we do the exercise.
→Functional: Practical and useful movements specifically targeting our ability to perform every day activities. When our body functions effectively our pain subsequently decreases.
→Active: Engaging in physically energetic pursuits. Exercising (being active) promotes endorphins, a hormone that makes you happy; which inturn helps you regulate stress. Exercise has many immediate and long-term benefits, such as weight loss, decreased risk of cardiovascular event, diabetes and depression.
→Strength: The quality or state of being physically strong. We need strength for everyday tasks such as – getting up and down from a chair, getting in and of bed, grocery shopping, lifting our kids up, playing with our fur babies, hanging out the washing, building a house, working in a physical job etc
→Training: Regular sessions are integral to improved body function. Learning to move well is key to the body finding balance.
FAST is available to everybody, however we require all FAST member to undertake a 30 minute 1 on 1 assessment with one of our trainers prior to your first group session.
Who runs the F.A.S.T classes?
Qualified Osteopaths and Myotherapists who are also certificate III & IV personal trainers
I have never exercised before can I do F.A.S.T?
YES, this is the best bit, F.A.S.T is for everyone, never exercised before, elite, weekend warriors, old, young, big, small, it’s seriously FOR ALL. What makes F.A.S.T the best type of training is that it is tailored for YOU!! It is all individualised to promote the best results for YOU!
If I have an injury can I still come to the F.A.S.T classes?
YES!! Have you ever had an injury and your PT says to ‘go home and rest and come back when it’s better’? well not F.A.S.T we encourage you to come , all our classes are run by qualified Osteopaths and Myotherapists who have an intricate knowledge of the human body and injuries it may encounter. We tailor the circuit to you to avoid aggravating your injured area and help to strengthen the area to avoid further injuries. (note: if you have a serious musculoskeletal injury , we require you to have a consultation with one of our Osteopaths prior to beginning the F.A.S.T classes).
What should I expect when I come to a F.A.S.T class?
All of our F.A.S.T sessions are tailored by our staff who are both manual therapist (Osteopaths or Myotherapist) and qualified personal trainers, we tailor these session to give a whole body balanced functional work out . Its fast paced, its active and it’s up to you how hard you put in. Competition is good as it helps make us work hard but sometimes it can be intimidating, we understand that, that’s why F.A.S.T is all done individually in a circuit based training style. You work at your own station for a certain time period working as hard as you can, not as hard as the person next to you can.
What should I bring to the F.A.S.T class?
Please bring with you to the F.A.S.T class a water bottle and a sweat towel. Wear comfortable clothing, we have air conditioning and fans however it can get quite hot whilst undertaking the classes so please wear something appropriate. Please arrive on time or preferably 5 minutes early for the F. A.S.T classes as the warm up begins on the dot of the start time. Classes go for 45minutes and include a warm up and a cool down.
→ Assessment $65
→ x1 single class $32
→ x10 class pass $230
→ x20 class pass $420
→ x30 class pass $570
→ x40 class pass $680
*subject to change each year